perennial, H
submediterranean saxicole
Seslerio - Festucion pallentis,
Seslerion rigidae
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A species which has its main range in the
Balkans (and not yet found in Anatolia). Isolated populations
are scattered in Italy, Spain and southern France. A group
of small isolated populations are placed in northern Trascau Mountains (Piatra
Urdasului) and in southerh Muntele Mare massif (Scarita-Belioara
mountain and the gorges around). Here it occurs
exclusively on massif limestones. Other locations from Mehedinti and
Cerna Mountains are doubtful.
Data in regarding the Romanian populations
can be seen here
(population dynamics), here (habitat
structure) and here
(RAPD revealed genetic variability and genetic isolation degree
(through AFLP) of the Romanian populations compared with the ones
from other regions of the species range).
Scarita - Belioara calcareous massif, Muntele Mare
Mountains, Alba county, June 2010.
dr. Anna Maria Csergo, kankalinka@yahoo.com